Sunday 9 March 2014

Secrets of Allah's Mercy in forgiving sins though Sickness and Hardship

Secrets of Allah's Mercy in forgiving sins though Sickness and Hardship
Ya Saburu -O Patience one!-relief from troubles or confusion, to be read 3000 times !

A person's life goes through alternating periods of happiness and dismay, strength and weakness, wealth and poverty, health and sickness, etc. A true believer is one who maintains a clear level of Iman-faith throughout the worldly fluctuation. He continues to remember Allah and ascribe the bounties to Him; and he turns to Him in submission, asking for relief from his affliction.

This is described in a tradition "Indeed amazing are the affairs of a believer ! They are all for his benefit; If he is granted ease of living he is thankful; and this is best for him. And if he is afflicted with a hardship, he perseveres; and this is best for him."

"Certainly, We shall test you with fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits; but give glad tidings to the patient - those who, when afflicted with calamity say, "Truly to Allah we belong, and truly to Him shall we return." it is those who will be awarded blessings and mercy from their Lord; and it is those who are the guided ones." [2:155-157]

Holy saying of Allah‘ Oh Son of Adam if you are patient and sacrificed for Allah's reward when you receive the first shock of an affliction I wouldn't accept less than Paradise for you as a reward for you.

So a believer needs to display patience and submission during sickness and hardships, hunger, or other afflictions. And shows gratitude and thankfulness for all the wonderful blessings that Allah grants him.

Prophet Ayoub (Job) told his wife when she asked him to ask Allah for a relief from his sickness, I'm shy from my God to ask him because I haven't spent in this difficult situation except a short time if compared to the time I was in good.
Hardships Benefit the Believer

Allah has decreed that, in this life, hardships and disasters strike both believers and non-believers. For a non-believer, they are inconveniences that hinder him from proceeding with his normal involvement in the worldly life.

For a believer, on the other hand, they are instances of rest and remembrance, tests that promise great rewards, and indications of atonement and expiation/pardoning of sins. Regardless of how little is the harm that strikes a believer, it carries with it good news of forgiveness and elevated rank in heaven. The righteous predecessors used to be pleased when a hardship afflicted them, seeing it as a token of Allah's forgiveness and benevolence.

Verily with every difficult situation there is a relief. 94:6

Reward of Sins and Sign of Allah's Love
Some traditions say ‘Hardships continue to befall a believing man and woman in their body, family, and property, until they meet Allah burdened with no sins.'

The amount of reward is in accordance with the amount of suffering. When Allah loves some people, He tries them with affliction. He who then is content with Allah's decree has achieved the acceptance of Allah, and he who is dissatisfied (with Allah's decree) will attain the anger of Allah. Whenever Allah wills good for a person, He subjects him to adversity.

Tradition “The parable of a believer is that of a fresh and moist plant; the wind tilts it this way and that way; and so is the believer; he continues to be subject to affliction. And the parable of a hypocrite is that of a firm cedar tree; it does not shake - until it is uprooted all at once."


Trial is not disliked in itself but the result of it is disliked. If one is patient and tolerant under trial then he succeeded in this trial. This is what's liked in Trials. Allah almighty knows all our characteristics before he put us under Trials but these tests are for people to test and take example from one another.

Now, as for man, when his Lord trials him, giving him honours and gifts, then he says, (puffed up), "My Lord has honoured me. "But when he trials him, restricting his subsistence for him, then he says (in despair), "My Lord hath humiliated me!" 89:15-16

What are Allah's blessings

Blessing wouldn't be considered an honouring from Allah to His servant unless Allah gives him the ability to behave wisely in it. Allah's right in the blessing is for us to praise Him for it.

Affliction are by Ranks of Righteousness

The prophets and righteous people are afflicted the most, and their rewards are the highest.

Tradition "The most in their suffering among the people are the prophets, then the best, then the (next) best, one is afflicted in accordance with his Deen- religion . If his deen- religion is firm his affliction is hard, and if his deen- religion is weak, his affliction is light. Indeed, one would be so much subjected to adversity until he walks among the people without any sins."

Tradition "When Allah wills good for a servant of His, He speeds up his punishment in this life; and when He wills retribution for a servant of His, He holds his sins for Him to judge him by them on the Day of Resurrection."

Rewards for Sickness

One should not look to sickness as a gloomy episode, but should remember the great good in it. It is one form of affliction with which Allah tests His servants, giving them a chance to acquire rewards.

Removal of Sins and Elevation in Ranks

Tradition "Whenever a Muslim is afflicted by harm from sickness or other matters, Allah will drop his sins because of that, like a tree drops its leaves."

Tradition "Expect good because Allah makes a believers sickness amends (for his sins) and a period of rest. However, when a disbeliever falls sick, he is like a camel whose owner ties it then lets it loose - it does not understand why it was tied nor why it was freed."

once some pain afflicted the Prophet (peace be upon him) causing him to suffer and turn about in his bed. His blessed wife said: "Had one of us done this, you would have blamed him." He peace be upon him replied:

"An ailment is intensified for the righteous. whenever a believer is afflicted by a hardship, either it is a thorn or more, a sin is taken off from him because of it, and he is elevated by one rank in heaven )."

Retaining Rewards for Deeds Before Sickness

Usually, when a believer falls sick, he would not be able to do the same amount of good (prayer, fasting, helping Muslims, etc) that he used to do when he was well. But Allah out of His great mercy, continues to record for him the good deeds that he was forced to stop because of his sickness.

Tradition "For a travelling or sick person, his deeds will be recorded in accordance with what he used to do when he was resident or well."

Tradition "No (believing) person gets sick, but (his deeds) will be recorded for him in accordance with what he used to do when he was well."

Tradition "No Muslims body is afflicted by Allah, but He will record (his deeds) for him in accordance with what he used to do when he was well - as long as he is sick. Thus, if He takes his life, He forgives him; and if He cures him, He washes him (from sins)."

Tradition "Each days deeds are sealed with it. thus, when a believer gets sick, the angels say, "Our lord! Your servant such and such, You have restrained him (from doing good this day)."And the lord replies, "Seal his day in accordance with his (usual) deeds, until he is cured or dies".

Tradition ‘whatever harms a believer even if it was a thorn or more, Allah would elevate the believer with this difficulty a degree higher or might forgive one of the sins he made.'

One needs to be patient and submits to Allah's will, if they want to be rewarded for both the submission and the sickness, otherwise, he would not be rewarded at all; because he resented Allah's decree. The traditions are clear in that the rewards are recorded once affliction strikes a Muslim. as for patience and acceptance, they are virtues for which a person may get additional rewards over those for the affliction.

Two Kinds of trials

Trial that servants have no hand in them and Trial that the servants have hands in them.

We have tried them with both prosperity and adversity: in order that they might turn (to Us). 7:168

Who say, when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return" 2:156

The reasons that lead for being tolerant when hardships happen:

1. To believe it is from Allah and people have nothing to do with it.

Now await in patience the Command of they Lord: for verily the art in Our eyes: and celebrate the praises of they Lord the while thou stands forth. 52:48

2. To lean on Allah and return things to Him.

And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine. And if anyone puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish His purpose: verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion. 56:3

Every soul shall have a taste of death: and We test you by evil and by good by way of trial. To Us must ye return. 21:35

3. To know that Allah chose you for this test.

Those who patiently persevere will truly receive a reward without measure!" ‘For Allah is with those who are patient.'

4. Allah's knowledge of your conditions.

5. To know that it's given from Allah.

6. Allah after testing you with hardships would ease them on you because you would return to Him with prayers and asking.

Tradition ‘If some body faced difficulties in life let him say - we are for Allah and to him we will return. In you I content myself in this difficulty, oh Allah give me refuge from it and replace me better than it.'

7. Patience inherit satisfaction.

8. To feel closeness to Allah at times of hardship.

‘Or, who listens to the (soul) distressed when it calls on Him, and who relieves its suffering, and makes you (mankind) inheritors of the earth? (Can there be another) god besides Allah? Little it is that ye heed! 27:62

9. To know that you have gained good rewards for this patience.

10. To know that comfort and ease come along with hardships and difficulties.

‘Verily with every difficult situation there is a relief. 94:6
If a servant understands these matters then he would be the most patient. And one of Allah's 99 names is As-Sabur O Patience.

Ya Saburu -O Patience one!-relief from troubles or confusion, to be read 3000 times !

And be patient in hardship:
for, verily, God is with those who are patient in hardship.
Al-Anfal 8:46

I f you are completely perplexed and in straits,
have patience, for patience is the key to joy.
Rumi, Mathnawi

Sufic commentary of as-Sabûr From The Most Beautiful Names of Allah meaning
The Patiently- Enduring, The Most Restrained,  The Long-Suffering –which is nothing

The One who is most patient, steadfast, and enduring. The One who is not moved by haste to carry out any action before it's proper time.

The One who patiently endures and does everything in its proper time and proper manner, no matter how long that may take.

The One who patiently accomplishes each thing in its proper time, in the way it needs to be and according to what it requires.

From the root s -b-r which has the following classical Arabic connotations:
to be patient, to be enduring
to endure trial or affliction with good manner
to be contented in trial or affliction without show of complaint
to make no distinction between comfort and affliction
to bear calmly, to persevere cheerfully
to be steadfast, constant
to restrain, confine, restrain, withhold from something

Mankind's share of this attribute is the bountiful reward bestowed upon those who patiently persevere in overcoming the trials, lusts and errors of this world.

Sheikh Tosun Bayrak writes of al-Sabûr:

The meaning of Islam is submission; to forego one's appetites, desires and will in the favor of the will of Allâh. To be able to submit, one has to be patient. In Islam, patience is a sign of faith...

Related names:

Halîm is the patience that arises from a sense of deep serenity, lenience, calm deliberation.

Sabûr is the patience that arises by self-restraint, enduring something without complaint.

Giving Sadaqah will help with Duas being answered, Sins be erased and sicknesses are sometimes due to sins; Showing gratitude is sunnah and Allah loves those slaves who shows gratitude; gratitude earns more (ziyada) favours from Allah, Allah promises increased favours for those who are grateful and (hates misers see hadith below) "And when your Lord proclaimed: "If you are thankful, I will give you more"(14:7) and "We shall reward those who are thankful" (3:45)  Allah informs us that one of Satans primary objectives is to prevent humans from being grateful. So show you  support be Thankful for these Duas and Khidma and take more rewards from Allah by Helping and Support “The Sufi Healing Project” through Uns Foundation and take the barakah of this site and all the people who read its duas too through Sadaqah Jariyah.

Giving a small amount of sadaqah monthly is continuous giving which is most beloved deed before Allah. Everyday 70 problems come our way and Sadaqah is a shield to protect yourself and your family. The most beloved deed before Allah is that which is continuous, even if it is little. The constant giving of a little is said to please Allah more than the occasional gift of a lot. So if it’s in your means to donate a small amount of £2-£3 or more a month and Support “The Sufi Healing Project” through Uns Foundation.
Know about the shield of giving: "Give Sadaqah without delay, for it stands in the way of problems/calamities."(Tirmidhi) it says 70 problems that is one is shielded from 70 problems with just a small amount of sadaqah.
Saqaqah washes your sins away: "Sadaqah extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire." (Tirmidhi) "Sadaqah appeases-(To satisfy or relieve) the Lord’s anger and averts an evil death." (Tirmidhi)
The Shade of Sadaqah: “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his Sadaqah.” (Tirmidhi)  "The generous man is near Allah, near paradise, near men and far from hell, but the miserly man is far from Allah, far from paradise, far from men and near hell. Indeed, an ignorant man who is generous is dearer to Allah than a worshipper who is miserly."(Tirmidhi)

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Muhammad Sajad Ali
Sufi Webmaster of / Instructor, Herbalist and Healing Therapist

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